Hair Development, Growth, and Loss 70 demonstrated that noggin plays a crucial role in skin appendage development and formation of bone and joint. Sonic hedgehog (SHH): Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is a protein that belongs to a mammalian signaling pathway family called heagehog, which regulates a broad range of embryonic processes including hair follicle development. SHH proteins normally regulate the biological response by binding and antagonizing the function of Patched (Ptch), a transmembrane receptor that blocks the activity of a signaling effector called Smoothened (Smo). Activation of Smo signaling activity leads to reprogramming of gene expression in target cells. References 1. R Paus, G Cotsarelis, The biology of hair follicles, New England Journal of Medicine, 341(7), 491-7 (1999). 2. MR Schneider, et al, The hair follicle as a dynamic miniorgan, Current Biology,19(3), R132-R42 (2009). 3. M Kumakiri, K Hashimoto, Ultrastructural resemblance of basal cell epithelioma to primary epithelial germ, J Cutan Pathol, 5(2), 53-67 (1978). 4. VA Randall, JP Sundberg, MP Philpott, Animal and in vitro models for the study of hair follicles, J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc, 8(1), 39-45 (2003). 5. LC Sperling, Hair anatomy for the clinician, J Am Acad Dermatol, 25(1 Pt 1), 1-17 (1991). 6. J Claxton, The hair follicle group in mice, The Anatomical Record, 154, 195-207 (1966). 7. GE Rogers, Structural and biological features of the hair follicle, in: The Epidermis, W Montagna, WC Lobitz, eds., New York: Academic Press (1964). 8. L Alonso, E Fuchs, The hair cycle, J Cell Sci, 119(3), 391-3 (2006). 9. M Hardy, The histochemistry of hair follicles in the mouse, Am J Anatomy, 90, 285-337 (1952). 10. CC Yang, G Cotsarelis, Review of hair follicle dermal cells, J Dermatol Sci, 57(1), 2-11 (2010). 11. M Ohyama, et al, The mesenchymal component of hair follicle neogenesis: background, methods and molecular characterization, Experimental Dermatology, 19(2), 89-99 (2010). 12. RR Driskell, et al, Hair follicle dermal papilla cells at a glance, J Cell Sci, 124(8), 1179-82 (2011). 13. M Hardy, The secret life of the hair follicle, Trends in Genetics, 8, 55 (1992). 14. O Duverger, MI Morasso, Epidermal patterning and induction of different hair types during mouse embryonic development, Birth Defects Research Part C, Embryo Today: Reviews, 87(3), 263-72 (2009). 15. R Paus, et al, A comprehensive guide for the recognition and classification of distinct stages of hair follicle morphogenesis, J Invest Dermatol, 113(4), 523-32 (1999). 16. RF Oliver, CA Jahoda, Dermal-epidermal interactions, Clin Dermatol, 6(4),74-82 (1988). 17. T Andl, et al, WNT signals are required for the initiation of hair follicle development, Dev Cell, 2(5), 643-53 (2002). 18. Y Zhang, et al, Activation of beta-catenin signaling programs embryonic epidermis to hair follicle fate, Development, 135(12), 2161-72 (2008).