Hair Development, Growth, and Loss 60 use is required to sustain the effect. Surgical hair transplantation offers good cosmetic recovery. Female pattern hair loss: The overall prevalence of female pattern hair loss (FPHL) is 19% in Caucasian females and 6% in Asian females.77-79 Patients usually present with diffuse hair thinning on the frontal and vertex scalp with widening of mid-parting line (Figure 9). The frontal hairline is preserved without recession. Miniaturization of hair follicles is another feature of FPHL but complete baldness is rare. Ludwig’s classification is the most recognized system to categorize the progression of FPHL. FPHL should be carefully differentiated from telogen effluvium or other disorders with diffuse hair loss. Iron deficiency, thyroid dysfunction and use of medications or hormones are common factors that complicate the diagnosis of FPHL. The etiology of FPHL is still unknown and Figure 9 Female pattern hair loss Diffused hair thinning on the top of scalp and preserved frontal hair line Figure 8. Androgenetic alopecia, Hamilton- Norwood type 5 A narrow band of hair separating the two balding areas over frontal and vertex scalp.